i've just taken a glorious week off to go whitewater kayaking on the Ottawa river.
I have bruised nearly every part of my body because i've chucked myself down every rapid in the middle channel.
Just prior to booking my trip I bought a new pink jackson alltar (which is a very short playboat). Needless to say it feels a little different than my older boat, so I spent the majority of my time swimming out of my boat, as opposed to paddling in it.
This is my first shift back to work and jesus....there is nothing I want more than to be on a dock somewhere with a nice cold bevy in my hands ( yes hands.....plural.....implying two beers) instead of in a polyester burlap sac of a uniform. I'm sure polyester is sweat wicking....right?? I know the uniform has a death grip of other people's blood and bodily fluids ( i hate that word....fluids...guh) so i'm sure it will be really "breathable" after a few hours of dealing with patients....
so you probably have noticed by now how poorly I spell and how my use of grammar leaves something to be desired.... so I apologize but if I slow down i'll forget the useless crap that I was planning on typing.
As you can also infer...i'm tired and want to be in bed....actually no....please refer to above in refernce to the dock and beers in hand.
have a good one and thanks mucho for reading!
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