I have decided that some of the best times in life (although small and some may consider "non-best time") is the time when you first wake up after a solid,enjoyable sleep (drool and sleep lines included) and the day before a day off work. Sure everyone enjoys the actual day off work..sure...however the day before your upcoming day off, your still at work daydreaming of the glorious adventures that await you on said day and spare time! Ohh isn't it exciting.
I always will think about cleaning my appartment, and for some reason I have notions of grandure. I think...okay clean: bathroom and bedroom, frame that poster i've been meaning to for two months, take the dog for a walk, paint the roof, have a bath, feed the goat and possibly install an indoor pool!
Does anyone else think like this? Or are people out there in bloggersville, Idaho that are actually rational, in realizing there limitations of their days off.
What will almost always happen are either some or all of the following: sleep until between 2pm and 3pm (with my lazy ass dog...who enjoys sleep possibly more than I do), I awake and say in bed for the next 15 minutes, have coffe...watch TV and celebrate my not having to work!